Morgan H Weeast and Elizabeth Johnson Family (1869-1957)

In the last blog, I introduced Morgan and Lydia Weast. In this blog, I will detail out information about one of their three sons, Morgan H Weeast. Morgan would be my great-grandfather.

Lineage: Thomas Weast -> Morgan Weast -> Morgan H Weeast

What is fortunate for this family is the numerous photos I have collected and are linked to this blog. Although there are no photos of the children when younger, there are photos as adults.

Family Statistics

Morgan H Weeast – born Mar 31, 1869, married Nov 21, 1889, died Jan 18, 1943 (73)
Elizabeth (Johnson) Weeast – born Jan 28, 1872, died May 3, 1957 (85)
     Geneva Weeast – born Mar 10, 1890, died 1971 (81)
     Metta Flora Weeast – born Oct 7, 1892, died 1968 (76)
     Ford James Weeast – born Oct 13, 1895, died Jun 3, 1941 (45)

Morgan married Elizabeth Johnson in 1889 when he was 20 and she was 17. Morgan’s parents had been using “Weeast” since the 1870 Census.

Morgan worked at the Florence Iron Works (owned by RD Wood) as a rope maker. When the Weast moved to Florence in the late 1850’s they rented homes owned by the Florence Iron Works. Elizabeth Weeaste (notice the misspelling) purchased a home they were living in for $180 on July 3, 1914; see attached deed. It seems odd that the house is in Elizabeth’s name and Morgan is not mentioned in the deed. The house that stands today on the lot (340 W 3rd Street) was built in 1949, so it is assumed the original house was torn down and rebuilt. Today’s value for this home is $225,000.

Unfortunately, there are no stories or other insights into this family. Morgan died January 18, 1943 while at work. In the Florence Township News, January 22, 1943, the following article described the events:

“Morgan Weeast Dies At Plant Aid Station – Morgan Weeast, 73 years old, died suddenly at the first aid station of the Florence Pipe Foundry on Monday morning.

“Weeast, a lifelong resident and veteran employee of 56 years’ service, reported for work as usual on Monday morning, although he had been ailing for some time. A fellow employee found Weeast lying on some hay used to make rope at this department of the plant.

He rushed the unconscious man to the first aid station and Dr. Schisler was called. Weeast died shortly after his admittance.”

At the time of his death, Morgan and his family were living at 417 West 3rd Street in Florence. Elizabeth died at her home on May 3, 1957 at the age of 85.

The Weeast Children

Geneva Weeast married William Hollinger on April 8, 1910. William was 22 years old, and Geneva was 20.

Metta Weeast married Fredrick Lowden on September 17, 1910. Fred was 21 years old, and Metta was 17.

An article in the Trenton Evening Times dated September 23, 1910 was titled

“Walk Doubled Altar Ordeal – Forgotten License Forced Bridegroom to Six Mile Trip Afoot.” Metta Weast, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Weast, and Fredrick Lowden, of Burlington, were made an uneasy couple the other night through experience with the new marriage law. The hour for their wedding had arrived, and Assessor Byard Carty, who issues licenses, had not shown up with the valuable paper.

There was only one thing for Lowden to do, walk to the home of Carty at Bustleton, nearly six miles. Receiving the license, which the assessor had forgotten to deliver, the footsore young man and his bride were married by the Rev. C.D. Conover, of the Methodist Church.”

Ford Weeast married Ethel Carrell on June 13, 1914. Ford was 18 years old, and Ethel was 17.


Here are links to pictures for the Morgan and Elizabeth Weeast family:

Morgan H Weeast – in backyard with his dog, undated photo.

Elizabeth (Johnson) Weeast – undated photo.

Elizabeth (Johnson) Weeast & Her Family – front row from left, Flora Johnson and Elizabeth (Johnson) Weeast. Back row – parents Esther McNenney and James Johnson. An undated photo.

Elizabeth Weeast 80th Birthday Party in 1952 – In this picture the following people in order from front-left are: Elizabeth Lowden, Fred Lowden, Metta Weeast Lowden, Bobby Lowden (small boy), James Rue, standing (Sylvia Weeast Rue, Richard Gosline, Rita Brinning, seated (Helen Weeast Cameron, my grandmother), standing (Patricia Wysong, Bea Weeast Gosline (leaning in), Elizabeth Weeast (sitting), standing (Jean Keefe Weeast, my mother), Arthur Weeast (eyes closed, my father), Bill Hollinger, Geneva Weeast Hollinger, Marie Hoffman Weeast, and Thomas Weeast. It is assumed that Loretta Weeast was taking this picture. Ford Weeast, Elizabeth’s son, and Helen’s husband, died in 1941, and her husband Morgan died in 1943.

Elizabeth Weeast 80th Birthday Party #2 In this picture, center back row,  Loretta Weeast is holding her daughter Lorraine. And my Dad’s eyes are open, far right side.

Ford Weeast – pictured with an unidentified friend, undated.

Cedar Hills Cemetery Photos

Morgan and Elizabeth Weeast
Geneva (Weeast) Hollinger and William Hollinger
Metta (Weeast)  Lowden and Fred Lowden

If anyone has additional pictures, stories, facts or other useful information regarding this family, please forward them to me and I will update this blog.

Phone: 720-231-4722

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