Art Weeast

In 1994 the internet was in its infancy and did not have a lot of information yet. When taking my nephews to a computer store to buy a game, I came across a box that said something like “1 Million Names, Discover Your Roots.” I thought “Wow, maybe I can find out who my ancestors are and where we came from.” As it turns out, I learned very little from the information on the CD; it was from the Social Security Death Index and at that time there were only eight Weeast listed. But other information on the CD gave hints as to where else to look for genealogical information, and I was hooked. I spent the next year ordering microfilm from the LDS Family History Centers and manually searched Federal Census records from 1850 to 1920 (latest available Census at that time); a very time-consuming process.

After that first exhausting year, life got in the way and I would only periodically look for more information. I have continued adding to the collection and information in the genealogy database I started. Today, much of this information and more is indexed and available from the comforts of your home.

In 2018, as I am nearing retirement, I think I have figured out a way to disseminate the knowledge and resources in a meaningful way through this website and make my genealogy database accessible to verifiable family members.

Just so you know, I don’t do Facebook. Surprising for someone who has spent most of his career in technology. I have a Facebook account (with nothing on it) so I can see my daughter’s extensive posts on her account.

Why I don’t do Facebook: I realized early on that Facebook made money by selling ads and collecting personal information, so I was not interested in giving away that information. As we have all realized recently, the scope of the information collected goes well beyond what most thought.

I can be reached by using the Contact Us form on this site. My wife, Vickie, and I live in Aurora, Colorado (next to Denver if you were wondering).